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Malaysia – Been there, done that ;-)

Or: Ridiculous Thailand :-)

When entering Thailand by plane, you get a visa for four weeks. And there is no way to extend this visa inside the country. I could not believe that and went to the immigration office here in Krabi. But no, it is not possible. You have to leave and re-enter the country to get a new visa. Two weeks if entering over land, four weeks if arriving by plane. Ridiculous rules.

Wasted page of my passport.
Wasted page of my passport.

Apparently I am not the only one who wants to stay a bit longer than four weeks, so the Thais offer tailored “Visa Runs”. A mini van takes you on a “racing” tour from Krabi to Khuandon, the closest border crossing. Still a five hour ride. One way.

There I got my exit stamp from the Thai officer, walked some 25 meters, got a 90 day visa for Malaysia. Went one meter to my left, where I got the exit stamp for Malaysia. Another 25 meters and I got another two weeks for Thailand. Awesome! They should add the time to the stamps one gets into the passport.

So folks, greets from Malaysia. Been there, done that. Check ;-)

Published in World Trip I Asia Malaysia Thailand


  1. E.v.F.

    Einen Toast auf trostlose Gebiete!
    (hörbar ist ein dumpfes Klacken aus dem Diplomsumpf in Dadastadt.)

    Elisabeth von der Frustkuchenfront

    (aka DenkanDich)

    • Michael

      Hejsan E.v.d.F.!

      Kann nicht anders (SMM-Ansatz ;-) und muss mit einem Toast auf hoffnungsvolle Gebiete antworten (hörbar ist das Brandungsrauschen auf feinem Sandstrand während der Blick zum Sternenhimmel schweift).

      SMM von der Pad-Thai-Front.

    • Michael

      … und ich drück’ Dir die Daumen für den Diplomsumpf. Auf dass er bald trockengelegt wird der Sumpf :-)

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