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Kopan II – Book give-away.

Ok, guys: How was the November Course at Kopan? It is hard to say at the moment. ‘Cause it was A LOT of input in quite a short time. And I am still sorting things in my mind and letting them sink in. However,  I can probably say that it may not have been the most funny four weeks on this trip… but definitely very valuable ones. A very big “Thank you!” goes out to Thomas, whom I met by sheer coincidence (or karma as he likes to put it :-) in a pizzeria in Kathmandu and who convinced me to go to Kopan!

The course itself was quite different from what I had expected. It was not a pure meditation course at all. Instead we got an overview of the whole Buddhist world view and underlying philosophy (as far as this is possible in four weeks) and meditated on it. I have never ever had such a profound and professional  explanation of a religious tradition. Venerable Dondrup is an outstanding(!) teacher. He already got me with his introduction on the first evening that moved me to tears. Which he managed to do many more times throughout the course. Venerable Amy and Venerable Ani Karin lead us very skillfully through all the meditation sessions. And surprisingly managed that I was not getting frustrated. It’s quite hard to sit still for an hour without any wall to lean on and your legs crossed in a very unfamiliar position. Let alone trying to focus on one object instead of following all the crazy thoughts and stories that arise in ones mind. Big, big thanks to all three of you for the extraordinary effort you put into these four weeks! And a “thank you” to all the folks behind the scenes!

Aside from the teachings and meditations I met a lot of wonderful people. Many very good talks. Special thanks coming right from my heart go out to all members of the discussion group #7. You guys have just been awesome and you have helped me A LOT. Especially during the hard times I have had. Thanks for sharing so openly, for all your support, and for being so warmhearted. Skiiiiiiiiiiiiies of merit.

Anyhow, back to the title of the post. Despite the quite demanding schedule, I managed to read a few very interesting books. And decided to give you the chance to read them (and some others) free of any costs for you, too. You know, Christmas is just around the corner :-) but  be prepared to get them far after Christmas. Just leave a comment, which book(s) you would like to read. Naturally, there are some strings attached:

  • If several people want one book, I will cast lots (or just decide with all my foresight ;-)
  • The books are not intended for your book shelf. Please write into it: “This book wants to meet as many people as possible in order to touch their hearts. Please give me away once you have read me or after three months (whatever comes first)!” And I really encourage you to follow this wish of the book.
  • If you prefer a non English version and there is one available, that is of course perfectly fine (but you have to check it up).

Here is the list:

[openbook booknumber=”OLID:OL23114474M” templatenumber=”1″] This book is a fantastic summary of the Lam Rim (the Graduated Path that was thought during the four weeks) by His Holiness the Dalai Lama and comes with his extremely clear and plain explanations of complicated topics.

[openbook booknumber=”OLID:OL8737849M” templatenumber=”1″] A masterpiece of Thich Nhat Hanh. He explains his view on the similarities between Buddhism and Christianity and suggests that it can be possible to be rooted in two religious traditions. A very valuable book for me. BIG thanks to Karnit for showing me this book in the Kopan library, helped soo much!

[openbook booknumber=”OLID:OL8308521M” templatenumber=”1″] The proceedings of an interfaith dialogue of Christians and Buddhists. I am still reading it, but the introduction of Father Laurence Freeman alone is worth buying this book.

[openbook booknumber=”OLID:OL7438136M” templatenumber=”1″] This book I have read quite some time ago. It was an eye opener on the topics of awareness and mindfulness.

[openbook booknumber=”OLID:OL9784448M” templatenumber=”1″] Another great book by His Holiness. I found a Swedish version of it in the book exchange shelf in a hostel in Chile. You don’t have to belief in Buddhism (or any other religion). It’s entire focus is on how to be more happy in this life.

[openbook booknumber=”OLID:OL7441552M” templatenumber=”1″] The last book is for the ones of you, who feel that the books above are too spiritual. I have mentioned it before and now I am looking forward to give it to a lucky one. It is one of the most moving novels I have ever read and I hope, that it will touch and open your heart, too. Enjoy!

Good luck!

Published in World Trip I Asia Nepal


  1. Georg

    Die 4 Wochen hören sich … [mir fällt jetzt kein Wort ein] … horizonterweiternd (??) an.. Spannend auf jeden Fall
    Bin gespannt auf ein paar nähere Infos – meld mich schon mal zum Chatten / skypen / etc. an ;-)
    Was ist eigentlich mit Everest.. fällt aus???

    Geniess die fünfte Woche!!


    • Michael

      Hi Georg!

      Horizonterweiternd auf jeden Fall. Viele, die den Kurs zum zweiten und wiederholten Male mitmachten, sprechen auch von “life changing”. Mal sehen.

      Skype/Chat: Musst Dich noch etwas gedulden. Bin ja gleich nochmal offline. Everest ist noch nicht gestrichen. Die Entscheidung fällt nach der Woche im Kloster.

      Ich hoffe, Dir geht es gut!?
      Umarmung, Michael

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